mad dash

美 [mæd dæʃ]英 [mæd dæʃ]
  • 乱冲
mad dashmad dash
  1. Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time .


  2. When the doors opened , there was a mad dash for seats .


  3. You only have an hour to complete the game so it 's a mad dash against the clock


  4. I got the call and immediately made a mad dash back to the plane .


  5. We had a mad dash around town in search of a present for dad .


  6. Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the table .


  7. There was a mad dash to buy up protection against Italian debt using credit default swaps .


  8. China , in its mad dash for industrialization and economic growth , is not doing enough to keep industry from polluting .


  9. There was a mad dash for the exit .


  10. There 's a mad dash for the exit , but it is too narrow .


  11. I fear there is one possibility everyone is overlooking in this mad dash for wealth and glory .


  12. The car wouldn 't start at first , so it was a mad dash to the airport , but we made it just in time .


  13. As this China airline jet burnt , everyone on board made a mad dash for the emergency exitus , then the plane burst into flames .


  14. But then , anything but the outbreak of nuclear war seems enough to reassure markets , and even that would likely detonate a mad dash for uranium stocks .


  15. But if you 're staying because you only ever seem to get any work done in a mad dash at the end of the day , then your working habits need to change .


  16. It 's an incredible discovery : an ancient , abandoned alien space station filled with precursor technology . But now , every species in the galaxy is in a mad dash to get there first and claim it for themselves .


  17. If recent trends continue , Bernstein 's analysts reckon that about 74 new gas-turbine projects will get started in America , up from 64 last year . But this is still below the level in the boom before the financial crisis and nothing compared with the mad dash for gas seen in 1999-2001 ( see chart ) .


  18. There will be a mad APM dash to catch the last London subway train before the strike begins .
